The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

283: Japanese Young Grads: "I Want To Start At The Top, Thank You"



Japanese Young Grads: “I Want To Start At The Top Thank You”   One great thing about those fresh out of University in Japan joining the workforce is they are fully primed to start at the top and work their way up.  Grinding it out to gain experience and insight is boring.  “Hey Boss, whisper the magic formula in my ear, so I can skip all that tedium” is their most attractive career plan.  How do we manage young people who do not want to be like their sempai or seniors?   In the past, such unrealistic expectations would have been knocked out of them pretty quickly. Their bosses would have straightened them out about what they are supposed to do – work like a dog for forty years, so you can retire on a company pension.  They would have been given them the worst, most boring jobs to teach them the ropes from the very start.  Progress would have been glacial and the mindlessness of the some of the tasks, asphyxiating.  “That is how we roll around here in Japan work world”, was the culture.  Well that used to be i