The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

284: Team Success Is No Accident



Team Success Is No Accident   What are some things we can do to make sure our teams are operating at a high level.  We see plenty of dysfunctional teams in operation and the opportunity costs of this are prohibitive, in today’s super competitive environment.  Quite simply if our team is better than the competition, then we will win.  It is a team against team equation here.  How well we work together, the degree of engagement, motivation, commitment and innovation is what wins the day.  Getting this equation to work is no given and there are best practices which do work.   Define and agree on a collective vision Often the senior executives come up with the vision and then cascade it down throughout the firm.  The troops were usually not involved, so it is received from on high. Well even if they were involved, as new troops arrive they were not part of the creation process, so involvement is only a piece of the puzzle.    What is more important is creating a culture where decisions and work are executed, ba