The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

285: "I'm Not Negative, I'm Realistic". Really?



I’m Not Negative, I’m Realistic. Really?   Japan is a highly risk averse culture, so it is also a workplace with a lot of negativity built into it.  The best way to avoid mistakes is to make sure there are no unforeseen problems. That means being negative about ideas and propositions, until it is proven that the risk factor is super low or even better, non-existent.  We all have negative ideas floating around in our heads.  Our poisonous self talk can be based on ancient humiliations from things that failed in the past, concern for the future and recent poundings by the boss for screwing up.  In japan, when we lump a whole bunch of people together in an enterprise or a project, the tone can easily turn negative, unless we make sure it doesn’t. That is the boss’s job – turn back the tide of negativity and get the whole contraption moving forward.    There are five drivers we can use in this process.   Self-confidence In our modern world, where risk, challenge, change and competition are in engaged in mortal