The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

289: Dealing With Really Toxic Staff



Dealing With Really Toxic Staff   Be it big organisations or small organisations, the things nobody wants are rust or termites.  Rust in your car rots out the floorboards, the metal fabric, but it does so unseen.  Termites in your house silently eat out the boards, leaving a paint covered, paper thin illusion of a wall, that when you touch it totally collapses. The rust and termites in organisations are toxic people, equally quietly going about destroying the business from within.   Here are some types of toxic people to be careful of:   Negatives They are down on everything and everyone.  No one is good enough in their view, the world is bad and the future looks dismal. They are angry, depressed, frustrated people and want to enlist others to be like them.  They can list long and hard all the things that are wrong with the organization.  However, ask them what to do about any of it and they will quickly tell you that it is not their job to fix it.  If you are the boss, you need to sort them out.  Tell them t