The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

290: Banish Personal Negativity



Banish Personal Negativity   The boss is the fountain of positivity for the team, like a fountain of youth of lore and legend.  We have to stand tall, no matter what is going on, because people rely on us to lead.   That means reassuring them that the company will be okay or the section will be okay and that we will all get through this current difficulty.  When things look grim, who are the people first out the door?  The low or average performer? No, it is always the best people who jump ship, because they always have options.  The first sign of top performer overboard has everyone else worrying about what did that person know that they don’t?  The feeling of insecurity triggers people searching for exits, before it is too late. The boss is the bulwark standing firm against the tide of panic and confusion. What happens however when the boss becomes negative?   We all know what we are supposed to do, what type of role model we should be. But we have human frailties.  We are not robots, devoid of feelings, wh