The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

295: High Performer Coaching



High Performer Coaching   Coaching high performers is tricky.  They have talent, ability and are already highly motivated.  They usually have a pretty healthy ego as well and have probably been mentally trying out your chair, to see how it fits them.  Interestingly enough, this is the group the boss pays the least attention to.  The under performer gets all the time, because the leader is trying to fix something that is broken.  The issue here is even if you get a 100% lift, it hardly registers, because it is coming from so far down at the bottom.  The high performers however are where the big results reside, but they are thought not to need any coaching.  Ask yourself, “How much time do I invest every week coaching my top performers?”.   If we look however into the world of sports all the top performers get tonnes of coaching.  The elite level of performance demands it and demands an elite coach.  Why aren’t we applying the same logic to business?  The first problem is we have mentally ruled them out from “n