The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

296: Okay Boss, Admit You Were Wrong



Okay Boss, Admit You Were Wrong   Litigious western societies are firmly against admitting wrongdoing.  Legions of lawyers advise to admit nothing ahead of the coming court case. In business, no one sees any upside to admitting responsibilities for failure.  Instead the blame shifting game gets underway, as the guilt is flung around from one person to another.  Bosses blaming underlings when things go wrong has a long and glorious tradition. Japan has its own version too.   Here no one takes any personal accountability for anything, if they can avoid it. The society has devolved a brilliant scheme for group responses for decisions.  If anything ever comes back to haunt the original decision makers, because it was all of us making the decision, none of us are individually responsible.  Genius.   This filters down into management as well.  Usually, leaders are self selecting.  They have shown they are the best at their job.  The best engineer, accountant, salesperson, doctor, architect, etc., gets recognised an