The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

297: Nine Leadership Lessons For Executives In Japan



Nine Leadership Lessons For Executives In Japan   As the leader are you coaching your people? I mean really coaching them, not giving orders or balling people out if they come up short or make mistakes. Do you have a methodology for your coaching or are you just thrashing around totally winging it? We are going to look at a structure for coaching your people and add in some human relations principles you can use, to get effective results.   Step 1. Identify The Opportunity To Coach The Person   Where can we see some critical factor, that if improved, would really help this member of staff get a tremendous lift in their productivity and outcomes. What is it we should be focusing on?   Step 2. Decide What Is The Desired Outcome   Do we know what success looks like? Do we have a clear vision of the goal once achieved? We need to nail down what the outcome of the coaching will be, so that we can work toward achieving that.   Step 3. Establish The Right Attitude   Trust on the employees' part that the boss is real