The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

299: Change Agent Leaders Are Highly Vulnerable In Japan



Change Agent Leaders Are Highly Vulnerable In Japan   The Japan business has been around for many years, but it never seems to live up to the expectations the firm had for the initiative.  They employed an aging Japanese CEO thinking, ”well a Japanese person is the obvious one to lead the business in Japan”.  It seemed logical at the time and the individual chosen had many years experience working in the industry.  Gradually the penny drops that this very expensive CEO is not much of a leader and isn’t up to the task to take on the market and win in Japan. This is where you come in.  You are selected for the Tokyo assignment. You are honored to be selected and off you go, bringing the family to this new and exciting country.   You don’t speak the language, so you have trouble being able to directly discuss issues with the staff. Your assistant doubles as your interpreter and off you go to change the world.  Headquarters keeps reminding you they expect you to get the business to start performing, after many ye