The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

303: Virtual Leader Best Practices



Virtual Leader Best Practices   Developing people who you can walk up to and speak with face to face is hard enough for most leaders, let along doing this when they are in another country and in a difficult time zone. Fortunately these days the technology is pretty good when it comes to virtual meetings, where we can see each other as well as talk.  We can share our screens and show various data as well, which makes the whole experience much richer.  This is fine for one on one, but what about when there are multiple team members scattered to the winds?  How do we create a team feeling, when all we ever do is see each others photos, in thumbnail size on a screen?  There are five things we can focus on to become a better virtual leader.   The leader’s job is to create a connection between the team members.  They can be remotely located but they don’t have to be remote from each other.  For example, sharing information is a good way to connect with each other and to establish some feeling of unity and solidarit