The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

305: Value Led Leadership



Value Led Leadership   When we think of the value of the leader, we are drawn to things like insight, vision, experience, technical knowledge, expertise.  The Yogi Berra quote on leadership however points to a fatal truism in being in charge of others, “Leading is easy.  Getting people to follow you is the hard part”.  Being individually talented and polished in the production of outcomes isn’t enough.  Our personal skill level as a doer is no automatic qualification for leading.     The real value proposition of the leader is in how they make their team members feel valued.  Here is where we locate the real value equation in leadership.  Getting everyone behind the leader’s vision requires that they be engaged.  Think about your own case and various places you have worked and bosses you have worked for. If you were not engaged, then you didn’t care about direction, vision, innovation etc.  Unengaged staff simply turn up to get paid, but don’t do much beyond that.  Now imagine your crew up against the opposit