The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

307: What Do you Do When Key People Quit



What Do You Do When Key People Quit?   I once had the perfect team in business.  I had spent years hiring well and really putting a lot into training everyone.  I thought, “finally, I have the perfect team”.  That wondrous situation probably lasted about six months before one of them quit.  A client poached them from us.  Why? Because we had done such a stupendously excellent job in training and developing them, that they were considered highly, highly  valuable by other companies.  What does this tell us?  We will never create the perfect team and even if we do, it won’t last, so get used to instability.   Whether it is a division within a large company or within a small company, there will always be key people.  Sometimes they are in highly specialised roles, which take years of investment in their training and qualifications to get them there.  They are truly unique talents, who are almost impossible to replace.  So what do we do?  We start treating them like princesses.  We are very keen to ensure they st