The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

308: Anticipating Trouble Before Activating Change Engagement



Anticipating Trouble Before Activating Change Engagement   Change is glacial in Japan.  Everyone complains about everything but no one wants to change anything if it impacts them.  We call this the NIMBY Protocol.  Not In My Back Yard sums up this philosophy toward change.  This company should change what it is doing, my boss should change, my colleagues should change, but I want to stay exactly the same. It would be good if everyone got behind the changes with full enthusiasm and cooperation.  However, that is rarely the case.  Caroline Schoeder’s advice is salutary, especially for Japan.  “Some people change when they see he light, others when they feel the heat”.    “Forewarned is forearmed” is ancient wisdom, so if we are contemplating change, what are some of the roadblocks we can anticipate?  If we know what is coming down the pike, we will be better able to me deal with it. In this week’s episode we will look at the blocker issues and next week we will look at how to make change engagement work.   Here