The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

309: How You Can Get Engagement In Japan



How You Can Get Change Engagement In Japan   We know there are many challenges to getting the team to embrace changes. Resistance, poor buy in, fear of the unknown, the breakdown of cooperation, vague priorities etc. are common problems.  Change engagement won’t be achieved by email announcements or mass town halls.  These usually spark cynicism, criticism, scepticism and outright hostility.  We need a better approach.   Begin by placing your feet firmly in the moccasins of your team members who are about to undergo the change.  Think back to workplace changes you have experienced in the past.   What was your initial reaction at that time?  What were the outcomes as a result of the changes? What went well and what didn’t go so well?  Reflecting on your own history, positive or negative, is useful when trying to enlist others into the brave new world of change which coming down the pike.   How do we do it? We should not get tied up in the logistics of change – reporting lines, Division restructures etc.  Inste