The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

311: Don't Hit Burnout Baby



Don’t Hit Burnout Baby   Leaders encountering this title preventing burnout might be thinking “I am tough, self-reliant, hairy chested and resilient. I don’t need to worry about it”. This means your business is probably sailing along smoothly and everything is hunky-dory.  What happens when the economy starts dropping precariously or key people bail out and join the competition.  Or when rivals within the organisation start making things difficult for you internally or the new “bad penny” boss turns up and upends your neat little world? One day you are a hero and the next day zero is in the offing. Also, what about the members of your team who are not like you?  Those who are more vulnerable to becoming stressed or who are sacrificing their health for the business, through a strong sense of duty and loyalty?  We know the impact of psychosomatic illnesses today, so sucking it up and carrying on isn’t the answer for everyone.  On the sea or in the air, the captain of the vessel is responsible for the lives of e