The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

313: How To Fix Burnout



How To Fix Burnout   Previously we looked at preventing burnout but what happens if we missed that tide and the ship didn’t sail?  Burnout can be a gradual build up of tensions, stress and issues that affect our physical and mental health.  There isn’t a buzzer that sounds to tell us we have hit burnout and the whole lead up phase is a bit vague.  Is this burnout or am I just a bit tired after a big week, month or year?  Many of us were brought up in cultures where you suck it up, soldier own and don’t grumble.  The grumbling usually starts in intensive care, as the medicos rush to save our life, because we have pushed it too hard.  Few people in Japan die from excessive hard work.  They normally kill themselves instead because they are so stressed about their situation and so tired from the ridiculous hours they are working, that they want it all to end.  No one pushed the emergency break to get off the careening, runaway train.    Burnout is beyond stress.  When stressed we still care.  With burnout, we are