The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

315: Leading Projects Across Multiple Offices



Leading Projects Across Multiple Offices   What a nightmare this is, dealing with different times zones, work styles, understandings, offers, commitments and varying degrees of time consciousness. Big projects bring big headaches with them, especially when the client wants something done in a hurry, across multiple markets.  In a global world of business these types of challenges are only going to increase.  The hard bits are when you have to rely on others for vital information.   The client has a formula which suits their situation.  If you are dealing with procurement officers they want to get it all down to a one size fits all spread sheet.  The fact that you are being asked to fit the square peg in the round hole is of no interest to them.  They want to gauge comparisons of cost across all the potential suppliers participating in the beauty parade.  This has the effect of warping some of the information from certain markets.    Even in the same organisation, not everyone offers exactly the same thing acr