The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

316: Don't Take Bad Advice From The Client



Don’t Take Bad Advice From The Buyer   Clients worry about their bottom line, cash flow, brand reputation and their own career.  They often move around between countries and companies.  We are still here though.  When the client requests something that ultimately impacts our brand in a negative way, we are the one who has to face the subsequent and consequent ramifications.  The lure of the fee payment is powerful but sometimes we should walk away from the money.  We are in haste to get the dough, to make the target, but we reap the whirlwind down the track and then repent at leisure.   My client was new to us and this was the first solution we had delivered for them.  In the prior discussions about their needs, we had identified what was required for developing their sales team.  The client had quite a split between the newbies recently hired and more experienced salespeople. Naturally, I proposed we split the groups out, because they had quite divergent requirements.  The slow pace suitable for training a n