The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

317: Build Your Successor's Storytelling Skills



Build Your Successor’s Storytelling Skills   We enjoy movies, dramas, novels, plays because they all excel at telling stories. They are not executed as simple chronologies – this happened, then this happened after that and then after, this happened.  They have what is a called an arc in writing.  It takes us on a journey that engages our emotions.  The majority of business presentation journeys are as engaging as road kill.  That is to say, mainly on the depressing side or at best, just plain boring.  “But business is boring”, you say.  “Greg, we are all about the numbers over here baby. We don’t have time for fluffy stuff like bedtime stories.  We live in the real world dude, get it”.  Well that is not true.   Leaders have two jobs.  One is to manage processes.  We make sure the system is working on time, on budget, on point for quality and on plan. This is the execution piece and without it, things turn ugly real fast.  Try missing a salary payment sometime in your company and see Pandora’s Box spring open