The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

319: The Secret World Of Conflict When Leading In Japan



The Secret World Of Conflict When Leading In Japan   Japan doesn’t like conflict.  As the foreign boss you will be super busy and may be missing some areas of conflict operating within the team.  You can’t deal with it, if you don’t know about it, so the difficulty scale can get high here quite quickly.  You are also often tied up in meetings or visiting clients, so things may be boiling over and you don’t hear about it.  As is the case with any part of the world the boss is always the last to be told about bad news.   Conflict can be situational.  Something was supposed to happen or didn’t happen and someone is now unhappy with someone else.  Words are exchanged and now we have a tense situation between people in the team. It might be a communication trigger point that leads to the conflict.  Attempted humour is often the offender in this case. An amusing remark isn’t amusing at all to the person on the receiving end and they take offense.  It might be a miscommunication.  We meant one thing, but they take i