The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

320: Leading Virtual Teams



Leading Virtual Teams   We have seen some major changes within Japanese corporates as they move overseas. In the old days, the Japanese headquarters would dispatch a generalist company man, as an expat to be posted for five years in a foreign clime.  They would be forgotten for five years until they came back to work in Japan.  Typically, to be sent to some totally unrelated business area than where they had been gaining valuable skills. This was the established logic of moving people around throughout the company, over many years, to make sure they understood how the whole thing operated.   With the predictions quite clear about the limitations to the market in Japan for good and services, many large companies have begun buying offshore companies in their industries, so that they can continue to make profits, even as the home market declines.  In the new model, staff situated in Japan will be running virtual teams located around the globe.  Foreign business heads will have Japanese staff here in Japan report