The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

322: How To Identify When You Need Help As A Leader



How To Identify When You Need Help As A Leader   Asking others for help can be difficult.  The psychology of driven, perfectionist people though is to prefer doing everything themselves.  Others never seem to match up to their expectations and standards.  Founders, entrepreneurs, strong willed individuals are often guilty of this “I will do it myself” mentality.  I am one of them.  For various reasons to do with different backgrounds and experiences, we are seized with the need for independence and self-reliance.  This works fine up to a point.  The modern age though has seen business become so much more complex.  Specialisation, niche dominance, technology, the need for light speed are all driving us toward realising we cannot do it all by ourselves.  How do we audit ourselves so we know we have to turn off that independent streak spigot and unleash that “get help” flexibility?   Here are 7 indicators that we need to rethink our approach and tackle issues from a different mind set.   When we need more exper