The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

323: What Sort Of Coach Are You



What Sort Of Coach Are You?   Many Japanese executives have grown up in the “tough love” school of OJT – On The Job Training. They were scolded severely by their bosses and given a very hard time.  Their bosses did this in the belief that this is how to get people to perform correctly.  It might have worked in a different era, but not today.  Young people won’t put up with that type of treatment and they don’t have to put up with it.  The next generation are the first “free agent” employees in Japanese history. There are already 1.6 job offers open for those seeking work.  In the case of youth, they are in serious, serious short supply.  This situation is not going to change or improve.  This means that anyone imagining that “tough love” is how to coach and develop people is in for a rude shock, as young people will simply quit and walk out the door to the competitor.   What sort of coach do we need to become?  We have to be an excellent listener.  How hard can that be?  Not very hard you might be thinking, e