The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

324: Why Coaching Is So Important Today



Why Coaching Is So Important Today   We all accept that high performance athletes need high level coaches.  What about in the work place?  Are we providing our staff with the necessary high level coaching so that they can be their most productive possible.  We often look at the staff’s deficiencies but remain blind to our own failings as coaches. Where do we start? What do we need to do? Do we need to coach everyone?   Well, what sort of staff need coaching?  We can apply a triage to the team to decide what is needed where.  In a Level One case, if they are still learning their job, then they need skill development coaching.  In Level Two, if they are experienced, but have hit a plateau in their performance, they need to learn how to motivate themselves, through receiving additional coaching.  At Level Three, if they are already a high performer, coaching can groom them for future leadership positions. Sounds tremendously logical but there is a problem though.   Let’s look at the best case, the Level Three st