The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

326: The Mental Game Of Coaching In Business



The Mental Game Of Coaching In Businesss   Today there is a lot of discussion about conscious and unconscious bias in the workplace, especially when directed towards women.  This is a significant issue. What a lot of people don’t realise though, is that this also extends into the coaching area as well.  The heart of the problem is how we see our people.  In the 1960s, Douglas McGregor was researching the sources of motivation in teams and he came up with an interesting insight called Theory X and Theory Y leaders.    Theory X leaders see their people as being basically stupid, lazy, unreliable and disloyal.  They have to be managed very closely and watched all the time.  This means anticipating trouble, catching errors, looking for mistakes and watching their behavior carefully.  They require very close supervision.  We need to tell them what to do and how to do it in great detail, because left to themselves, they will make a big mess of it.  We expect they will fail, so a lot of leader time is taken scanning