The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

327: Leader First Impression Success



Leader First Impression Success     In our presentation training classes we ask the participants, “how long does it take for you to make a judgment about someone you are meeting for the first time?”.  How about you? How long do you take to make a judgment about someone you are meeting for the first time? People in our classes would say 30 seconds, others would say up to a couple of minutes.  Today, the answers are down to three to five seconds!  What does that mean for us in leadership?  People judge everyone who works in our company on the impression they form about us.    If we are impressive, then they think the rest of the troops are impressive too. It goes the other way of course.  If they meet someone from our firm who is a dill, then they think we are all dills down there.  Now as the leader we set the tone, the standards, the expected behavioral norms for our operation and this includes everyone’s personal presentation. Based on this new three second norm, we all have such a small window to make that