The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

333: When Things Go Wrong Everyone Dives For Cover In Japan



When Things Go Wrong Everyone Dives for Cover In Japan   Japan is a no mistake culture.  This breeds timidity, resistance to change, lower levels of innovation, avoiding accountability and an aversion to responsibility.  Fine, but what happens when mistakes actually occur?  As the boss, you face a conspiracy amongst the team to keep anything damaging, embarrassing or lethal from you.  If you discover one mistake, then you can probably guess that you never even heard about the other forty nine.  The biggest nightmare for the boss is to uncover an issue when it is too late to fix it.  As the boss, you have money and authority available to make things happen and resuscitate a catastrophe.  Usually that becomes too little too late, because the crew hid it until it ballooned out of control.   I remember an incident which occurred with a client.  It was a very small piece of business, but there was some dissatisfaction.  The account manager was requested to bring the problem to my attention by the client’s staff me