The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

339 Reflecting On Your Leadership Journey



Reflecting On Your Leadership Journey   We all tend to live in the moment as leaders.  We swing from meeting to meeting like a great ape moving across the jungle canopy.  We descend to indulge in some mindless email time and then we are off again, up into the meeting morass.  We are constantly pushing, always vigilant for trouble and permanently insecure about making our KPIs.    We struggle through the year to get the results, month by month.  We collapse in a heap at the end and see if we made it or not.  Even if we did, the relief is short lived because now we have to chase this next year’s numbers.  We have to rally the troops, exhausted and beaten by the last year’s efforts, to poke their heads above the parapet and go over the top into battle again.   The time for reflection on our leadership journey is slight to nothing.  I have been interviewing CEOs here for a project called “Japan’s Top Business Interviews” and there is a significant similarity between the leaders so far. They have all grown as lead