The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

346: Hire People Smarter Than You And Trust Their Judgement



Allan Smith: Ex-CEO of RGA Japan   Generally speaking, compared to other nationalities, they are a bit more reluctant to state their opinions so you have to know that, and cater for that by asking for opinions and waiting. They do however speak amongst themselves, so another useful source of information is having fellow Japanese people who are willing to come and tell you the vibe of things going on. I have found in Japan there are two extremes. People who do not speak English well, but want to speak English, and people who speak English perfectly well but would rather speak Japanese. Employees always rate the company and their job satisfaction as very low in Japan, but that is a cultural bias, no matter whether you survey Japanese companies or foreign companies in Japan. I tried to go out once a month with my direct reports and I expected my managers to do the same with their direct reports. I always tried to hire people who were smarter than me, and then trusted their judgement. We tried to share best prac