The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

354: The Nuts And Bolts Of Running Virtul Meetings



The Nuts And Bolts Of Running Virtual Meetings   Running meetings used to pretty straightforward.  We would all assemble in the meeting room, go through the agenda and then get back to work.  Now people are sitting alone, operating at all different levels of adjustment to working in isolation. They are in all different family situations too, some of which can make concentrating on remote meetings very taxing.    As the host of the meeting or as the leader of the meeting, you have a role to play.  Start by making sure to welcome people by their name as they join the call. It can be simple, “welcome Sachiko, thanks for joining the meeting”.  Using people’s names gives them a feeling of inclusion and comfort.  Some people will join the meeting by phone and the name won’t necessarily pop up on the attendees list screen.  If so, just ask who is joining by phone today, so you can connect the code for participation, with the name of the person on the call.   The worst combination is having some people on a speaker p