The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

355: Lockdown Leadership And Coordination



Lockdown Leadership and Coordination   Technically Japan hasn’t gone into lockdown, as other countries have, but in typical Japanese fashion, it is effectively the same thing.  By requiring “honourable everyone” to cooperate with the Government’s “request”, they have achieved the same outcome as a lawful direction.  My fellow Aussies have had to be given fines for not cooperating with lawful requirements, making us toe the line, because we are wild colonial boys and girls.  Not here in Japan though and so now we have many more people working from home.    Leading from home is a challenge.  The first things that pop up are the difficulties of coordinating things that were so much easier in the office.  In this isolation environment there is a greater degree of separation between the team members and with the boss.  Everything seems to slow down and drift even more than normal.  Actually, in the best of times, despite your heroic leadership efforts, nothing moves at a rapid pace in white collar work in Japan an