The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

356: Leading From The Covid-19 War Frontline



Leading From The Covid-19 War Frontline   In wartime, there are leaders back at HQ, pouring over maps, receiving intelligence, creating strategies and making decisions about where to position their troops.  On the frontline, there are on the ground commanders, assessing the situation and then following or adjusting HQ orders, based on what they see in front of them. At the sharp point of battle, leaders are with their troops, as they all move into close mortal combat with the enemy.  Where are you in this battle with Covid-19 and the business terrors it has unleashed?   We are in lockdown, so for many of us our troops have been dispersed to the winds.  Contact is done remotely over video conferencing or phone hook-ups.  The chain of command has become much more fraught, than when we were all happily congregated in the office.  In this situation, communication and coordination can become more challenging in the fog of war against the virus enemy.  Delegation becomes a necessity and with it the challenges that