The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

357: Stressed Leaders Must Lead Their People Through This Stress



Stressed Leaders Must Lead Their People Through This Stress   Watching your business implode is stressful.  Losing access to good staff through furloughs, firing loyal people through brutal necessity, bum rushing suppliers by not paying them, seeing your clients cancel orders, smelling burning cash reserves are all hurtful and hit hard.  You didn’t sign up for this meltdown, but it is upon you anyway.  You are under immense stress and so are your people.  How are you dealing with your team in this environment?   I was watching a video of an American sales guru talking about how to lead your team in lockdown.  He had already fired one third of his own team and had some harsh advice on how to inspire the survivors of the first wave of cuts.  Those working from home had to be ridden hard to make sure they performed.  If people couldn’t match their number targets, they needed to be fired immediately.  Whenever there has been a recession, companies fire people and those remaining fear they are next, every working