The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

360: Embracing Change In This Covid-19 Crisis



Embracing Change In This Covid-19 Crisis   The concept of co-existence with the virus puts a different spin on the “new normal”.  Yes, the lockdowns are coming off, but what will we need to be doing from now going forward?  We may be moving to a murky world that is not quite office and not quite home.  We will be keeping aspects of both, but not having the totality of either.   Here are sixteen ways to master on-going coexistence with the virus.   Every morning, get your brain into 100% productivity by getting into your work battle dress as per usual.You may be going to the office or you may be working at home, or you may be doing a bit of both, with a late flex-time dash to downtown. Anyway, you are not on holiday, so no jammies, shorts or T-shirts.   Start everyday with a group huddle at 9.00am. Whether some are in the office and others are at home, cameras must be switched on to set the professional tone for the work day.  It is important that everyone can see each other to feel connected.  It also aler