The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

362: Social Intelligence For Leaders In Covid-19



Social Intelligence For Leaders In Covid-19   We admire people with very high IQs, as badges of intellectual prowess.  Members of Mensa International are an elite group established in 1946, for people who scored in the ninety-eight percentile or higher in the standardised IQ test.  We respect technical experts be they lawyers, medicos, engineers, architects, etc.  The thing we desire most is that we be treated well by our boss, Mensa reject or otherwise.  Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman was a bestseller and we would all prefer that our employers be people who voraciously devoured the gospel according to Goleman, chapter and verse.   The obvious things for leaders are often subsumed by society’s devotion to brainpower.  Having social intelligence means being able to get on well with all sorts of other people.  It means being the boss the team would crawl across a mile of broken glass for.  How do we up the ante on our social intelligence?   We need to invest time in relationships.  Too obvious you cry