The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

367: How To Join The Culture Champion Workplaces – Part One



How To Join The Culture Champion Workplaces – Part One Harvard Emeritus Professor James Heskett’s comparative study of the impact culture has on corporate financial performance was shocking.  He found that “as much as half of the difference in operating profit between organisations can be attributed to effective culture”.  Half, wow.  Now that is a big impact point, especially when we are talking operating profit rather than just gross revenues.  What is going on here? Corporate culture is like a glue that holds everything together.  It impacts the formation of the strategy, how decisions are taken and followed, clarity around the WHY, respect for those at the top and how customers are thought about and therefore how they are treated.  Edgar Schein’s famous study of organisational culture identified how to uncover your existing culture.  If you have a great culture, a so so culture or an underperforming culture, how would you know that in detail and where should you look.  He found there were three levels of