The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

369: How To Join The Culture Champion Workplaces – Part Three



In Part Two we have looked at getting engagement, having transparency and the impact of tech.   One issue can be the lack of means to measure whether what the big bosses are saying is actually happening or not.  The Culture Champions do measure and track progress, so that they can correct issues.  These can be staff anonymous postings on speciality externally hosted third party sites, that allow the team to freely talk about problems with no fear of attribution.  Staff satisfaction and engagement surveys also work.  In the old days, these used to be every couple of years, but in some cases companies are doing light versions every quarter.  When Covid-19 settles down, we are all returning to back to the War for Talent.  Recruit and retain will again become major concerns of the organisation’s leaders. An attractive culture is a strong enabler in being successful in this regard.  How will you fare in this talent grab scrap?   The research we did was interesting, because even though the Culture Champions and the