The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

370: How Leaders Can Do A Better Job Of Engaging Their Staff



Many decades ago, I remember a visiting Korean business delegation coming to my home town of Brisbane.  At the end of the day, in thanking us for being their hosts, the leaders noted it was very valuable visit and said “we didn’t know what we didn’t know about Australia”.  I had never heard that phrasing before and thought that was pretty cool and that these Korean chaps were pretty switched on. Nowadays, I realise how dangerous that “we don’t know, what we don’t know” business is in commerce and especially in leadership.  Shocking statistics emerged from a recent research piece we did on engagement in companies across 15 countries.  Respondents who had answered that they were “very satisfied” with their immediate supervisor, I would have expected were also among the most highly engaged staff in those companies we surveyed.  If my staff said they were “very satisfied” with me as their leader, I would be pretty chipper and upbeat about what a legend of leadership I was. Unfortunately, when we correlated that g