The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

371: Furloughs And Firings Trigger Fear and Loathing Toward Leaders



Leaders do dumb things and sometimes they have to do difficult things.  The line between which is which can sometimes be a bit hard to plumb.  I clearly remember the senior bosses coming back from a boozy weekend offsite, embraced with the idea that we, the great unwashed salespeople, would identify the top guns working for our rivals, so that the firm could recruit them.  What could possibly be wrong with this idea, in an industry that rapidly hires in market upswings and ruthlessly cuts staff in the downturns? Shareholder value in the US is another serious thing.  Quarterly earnings reports are weighty matters, which drives leader behaviours in directions you just have to shake your head at.  Capitalism gone mad in many cases.  Fortunately, for most of the world, this lunacy has been restrained to some degree.  Downturns turn out badly for employees.  Lofty rhetoric is tossed aside and “thoughts and prayers” becomes the common lament, as they toss you out on your ear.  The survivors are taking all of this i