The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

376: Short Tempered Leaders (Like Me!) Explode During COVID-19



Leadership is stressful during normal times.  Dramatically different situations being enforced to deal with Covid-19, such as working from home, just adds to the stress. The current business revenues may be under water.  You may now owe the Japanese government a sizeable chunk of cash just to keep the firm alive.  The strain may be apparent or it may be quietly building up like a cartoon pressure cooker about to explode.  Folk law says, as we get older our tempers get shorter.  So if that is true for older leaders, now exposed to more than usual stress, this might be a dangerous cocktail being shaken, rather than stirred.  My wife assures me that as I have gotten older, my temper has quickened.  Personally, I can’t notice it, but like most things, she is probably right.  Is it because we are getting closer to falling off the perch, that we have less patience with everything, in our flickering twilight years on this planet?  I am sure there is many a psychologist thesis written on this subject, but I will rely