The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

386: Effective Teamwork is No Accident During COVID-19



Working from home can easily become working apart. Japan is a group oriented society and now the group has been flung to the winds, while people are at home working in isolation.  Ronin were masterless samurai and for many Japanese white collar workers they can feel they have been tossed from the castle.  Japan is a curious mixture of discipline, conscientiousness and also escapism.  The staff’s job description is of vital interest to employees, because it defines the scope of responsibility.  Their main interest is to avoid all mistakes and problems and small targetism is definitely in vogue here.  Collective responsibility is preferred.  We are all responsible, so that no single individual is responsible.   What many companies have found during Covid-19 is how low is the productivity of certain individuals.  Unprotected by the group and having to stand on their own two feet, they stumble.  Innovation, out of scope responsibility, flexibility are not hallmarks of the office worker in Japan.  Plunging them in