The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

399: To SER With Love



In the movie “To Sir, With Love”, Sidney Poitier was brilliant in the role of a black teacher in a tough London East End high school.  He was trying to make a difference for these young outcasts to better prepare them for the life they would face after graduating from school.  A very uplifting story about what is possible when we encourage others to be their best.  So what has this got to do with business, you may be asking?  As leaders, we have four jobs.  Run the machinery of the operation so everything works well, provide the vision on where we are going, explain the WHY and build our people.  This “build our people” part is a communications exercise which most leaders fail to do well enough, myself included.   Many of us grew up in business in a era when your boss just expected you to get on with your job.  No encouragement was needed, because you were required to do a full day’s work for a full day’s pay.  Praise didn't exist and you found your own sources of encouragement.  Things are different today, b