The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

400: Leading in the Era of Pandemics



The WHO team investigating the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic in Wuhan came up empty.  A lot of fairy floss was wrapped around the report, but reading the outcomes there were no outcomes.  If we don’t want to face the reality of why this occurred in the first place, then there is no comfort that we can prevent Covid-20 arriving unannounced at some time in the future.  As leaders what are we going to be working on between pandemics?  The current one will hopefully quiet down over the course of 2021.  There are five pillars of leadership we can rely on to be prepared for the next round of viral mayhem or any other VUCA events.   Take responsibility for the future. We lead intentional lives and we help our team members to do the same.  Most people in first world countries are leading accidental lives, buffeted by whatever happens to them, unable to exercise any control of their fate.  You can understand it when poverty, lack of resources and no useful assistance are your third world reality, but not in our a