The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

403: How To Be A Role Model As A Leader



Smirks appear quite quickly when you mention “role model” and “leaders” in the same breath.  Most peoples’ experiences with leaders as role models have been that they encompass the “what not do as a leader” variety.  Hanmen Kyoshi (反面教師) or teacher by negative example, as we say in Japanese.  What are some of the things we should be focused in our quest to become a real role model for our teams?   We can break the role model aspect into four major areas: Self-Aware; Accountability; Others-Focused and Strategic.  Within these four categories there are eleven sub-categories on which we are going to focus today.  Do a mental audit on yourself and see how many boxes you can check acknowledging that you are doing a good job.   Self-Aware covers a number of sub-categories: “Self-Directed”. Leaders have to give others direction, so they must be independent types who don’t have to rely on others to know what to do.  They have to be “Self-Regulated” which is a fancy pants way of saying they need strong personal disc