The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

410: How Leaders Can Protect Their Clubhouse Personal Brand



The Clubhouse global audio conversation App is hot, hot, hot.  It is only available on Apple iOS so far, but the landgrab is on and massive hours are being invested in this bonseki style activity.  What is bonseki?  This is an original Japanese throw away art, where you create designs in the sand, on a tray and then toss it all out at the end.  That is your Clubhouse conversation, thrown out each day, with no distribution and no repurposing, as yet. Clubhouse might be the next great thing or it may be superseded by copycat platforms launched on Face Book, Twitter etc.  The concept though looks like it will become a permanent feature of our lives, in the same way podcasts have done.  Be careful though fellow leaders, we are now walking on the high wire with no safety net.  We have put our leader personal and professional brands at risk.   If you are asked to give a talk, you usually have time to think about it, prepare, gather visual aids and rehearse.  Despite that most leaders make a mess of the opportunity.