The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

411: The New Diaspora Leadership Challenge



Winston Churchill said, “When you are going through hell, keep going”.  We have all been going through hell, compliments of the pandemic.  If you are Chinese, Vietnamese, Taiwanese, Thai, Kiwi or Aussie you have popped out the other side, now living a normal life, albeit one with many more restrictions and closed borders.  Virus mutations, great power self-interest and the breakdown of trust in institutions, threatens to make the pandemic a semi-permanent fixture for the next few years at least.  For leaders, that means we will be facing a new order, where our subordinates no longer congregate in the workplace. Effectively they have become invisible. Consequently, the traditional method of driving performance has become much more difficult.    An acquaintance of mine is on Clubhouse many times during the working day.  I know this, because I keep getting notifications about meetings and his name is there as one of the organisers.  If I was his boss, would I feel I was getting my monies worth from his work cont