The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

412: How To Run Brainstorming Sessions When Everyone Is At Home



Pandemics force change.  We keep thinking we have turned the corner in Japan, to be just shunted further down the road with another lockdown.  Being the eternal optimist from sunny Australia, I was running around telling my team we would see things get back to a better situation this October.  Now I read that A1 predictor modelling indicates we will peak in October.  That means things won’t get back to normal or closer to normal until early 2022.  That is a lot of cash flow needed between now and then.  Trying to bring the full intellectual power of the team to bear on a severe problem through brainstorming, has been a good way of finding ideas, to make sure you make it out the other side of this pandemic.   With more contagious virus variants now the majority of new cases, no wonder staff don’t want to huddle together and do brainstorming sessions.  Does that mean that we have to forego the idea generation power of the team to come up with ideas to solve the dilemmas facing us?  In some cases it probably mak