The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

413: Strategic Planning In These VUCA Times



“October this year is when we can expect the turn around to kick off here in Japan”.  Being the sunny optimist from Australia, that land of vast horizons and sweeping plains, that sounded doable a few months ago.  Now we have a fourth wave, hospitable beds in Osaka are full and no room for new cases, as the numbers surge.  This is the fourth lockdown and this current iteration has been almost continuous this year since the start of January.  The vaccine roll out is slow and projections are grim.  The best case scenario is that we have three more lockdowns between now and March 2022.  The worst case scenario is that we have four lockdowns during that period.   So how do you plan anything in such a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous world?  The basics don’t change however, so let’s revisit them.  We need to be clear about our purpose, our WHY. We do this through our Vision, Mission and Values.  This stuff is not outdated.  It is the glue we need to meld the team together and help each other get through