The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

415: Pandemic Leaders: Time To Harden Up



We are all striving to survive these VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) fraught and frightening times.  Covid has taken huge numbers of vibrant people.  The loss to families has been immense and devastating.  Companies have lost collective corporate memories, a hoard of rich experiences and real wisdom.  The survivors carry on, never assured they will not succumb too at some point.  Vaccinations proffer the opportunity to secure herd immunity and defeat the spread of the virus.  What next for those survivor leaders and what do they need to be working on for a post-pandemic world?   Own The Future Well organized leaders lead intentional lives.  What does that mean?  They have goals and plans and they calibrate and recalibrate their progress.  They are brutally buffeted, but not thrown totally off course by unpredictable, violent direction changes.  The ancients believed that their fate was not at their determination.  Many of our staff are still with the ancients on that one and are not l