The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

418: Leadership Challenges Post Covid



The faintest glimmer of hope is reflecting off a trillion hypodermic needle tips, as we vaccinate our way out of the Covid pandemic nightmare.  Very shortly, we will be back into it, but actually what will we be doing in this totally time shifted world.  We have lost nearly two years of our normal lives, as well as millions of loved ones, through this virus.  My colleague Matt Norman in Minnesota gave a presentation at our virtual Dale Carnegie Owner’s Meeting which focused on some of the challenges we will face going forward and I have adapted it for Japan.  Here are five trends we need to start thinking about.   Managing a split workforce Covid will be contained, but many in our workforce won’t be satisfied to be contained in the office anymore.  They want the freedoms of working from home to continue to some extent.  Regimented lives, genie like, have tasted freedom and won’t be so easily stuffed back in the 9 to 11 bottle.  How do we avoid a two class system evolving of those present and accounted for a